Itineraries of
contemporary art

Oltre In addition to the most classical part of Chianti,
let’s set off to discover contemporary art exhibited
in the landscape of small towns and hills.


13-VisitChianti-Parco Sculture del Chianti(1)

uscany, especially known for the beauty of its landscape and the vast historical and artistic heritage, which tells of the Etruscan times and medieval times, also reveals a contemporary spirit. Travelling between small towns and hills in the Chianti area, it is not difficult to come across sculptures that attract curiosity and leave one pleasantly surprised. A lot of contemporary art projects, in fact, have given birth to works and installations made by artists from all over the world.

The first time an interest was shown in contemporary art in the Chianti area was in 1959, when Count Guido Chigi Saracini wanted the park of his villa at Castelnuovo Berardenga to show artworks and sculptures which were, indeed, contemporary. The task was entrusted to Vico Consorti, and since then this artistic trend has grown in the area in terms of quantity and prestige.

Numerous artists of national and international renown have left traces of their passage, among whom we can mention George d'Almeida, Maro Gorki, and the versatile Leo Lionni at Radda in Chianti. Here, where he lived and worked until his death, you will find sculptures which represent the stunning and dream-like plants described in the Botanica Parallela, a book in which Lionni narrates a detailed imaginary plant ecosystem that is parallel to the real one. You can see his bronze Giraluna under the loggia of the Municipal Palace in Radda. This feeling for contemporary art, spread throughout the Chianti area, allows us to admire artworks by, for instance, Igor Mitoray, Fuad, Marcello Guasti and Valentino Moradei at Greve in Chianti.

One of the major contemporary art projects, which involved all of the Chianti municipalities, is Tusciaelecta, created in 1996 at Greve in Chianti with the aim of integrating heterogeneous artworks in the landscape and social fabric, in terms of type and aesthetic, which have in common a design in tune with the surrounding territory (

"Site specific artworks made by artists
from all over the world

Wandering around hamlets and small towns it is not difficult to create routes and itineraries that make you discover works such as the Stollo by Mauro Staccioli in Piazza Vassallo at Greve in Chianti, which reinterprets the farming tradition in a modern language focusing on the community life.
The visitor walking on the art trail of San Casciano is greeted by two monumental works by Mauro Staccioli placed at the entrance of the town, in Via Cassia, and near the Tower of Luciana. The journey ‘on the hills’ continues to meet the contemporary “signs” of the Farm La Loggia. In the historic centre, on the ancient walls, you can see the Stag and the Progression of Numbers of Fibonacci by Mario Merz. Not far, there stands the Chianti Tower, 34 m. high, lit up from the inside by the Bulk Project, an artwork by Patrizio Travagli. Also, a rich collection of contemporary art celebrates a section of the art museum, Giuliano Ghelli.


Worth mentioning is also the masterpiece by Silvio Loffredo in the Garden of the Sunset at La Romola.

A kind of treasure hunt is the artwork by Cesare Pietroiusti, whose 7 Plates invite the visitor to explore as many small towns in Chianti searching for each piece of this “spread out artwork”.

But if you wish to find the contemporary spirit without sacrificing a walk in the nature, the options are:

the Parco Sculture del Chianti at Pievasciata, a hamlet of Castelnuovo Berardenga, where the forest has a permanent exhibition of 26 installations built in harmony with the green, among which you can walk in wonder and amazement.
The loop route Slow Road that joins Greve, San Cresci and Montefioralle, where you can admire the perfect syncretism between the landscape and artistic installations, in what can be defined as a natural amphitheatre.

Discover Chianti,
naturally unique!

In the centre of the story between Florence and Siena, the countryside and the small towns of Chianti are rich with appeal and corners to discover.

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